Intro to Outreach - Senior Buyer Training

This training will guide you through our new Intro to Outreach deck for senior buyers.

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  • Overview
  • Purpose & Use Cases
  • Deck Overview
  • Deck Overview
  • Intro to Outreach with Mark Kosoglow
  • Strategy and Deck Overview with Mark Kosoglow
  • Intro to Outreach with Anna Baird
  • Delivery Demonstration with Anna Baird
  • Next Steps
  • Resources + Gong Competition


  • Overview
  • Purpose & Use Cases
  • Deck Overview
  • Deck Overview
  • Intro to Outreach with Mark Kosoglow
  • Strategy and Deck Overview with Mark Kosoglow
  • Intro to Outreach with Anna Baird
  • Delivery Demonstration with Anna Baird
  • Next Steps
  • Resources + Gong Competition