PS to CS Internal Account Transitions Training

This training is a guide for the handoff process between ProServ and Customer Success to ensure for a smooth internal and external handoff!

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  • Intro + Overview
  • PS to CS Internal Account Transitions
  • The New Process
  • The New Process + Transition Doc
  • Knowledge Check #1
  • Internal Sync
  • Internal Sync
  • Knowledge Check #2
  • External Sync
  • External Sync
  • Knowledge Check #3
  • Next Steps & Resources
  • Next Steps & Resources


  • Intro + Overview
  • PS to CS Internal Account Transitions
  • The New Process
  • The New Process + Transition Doc
  • Knowledge Check #1
  • Internal Sync
  • Internal Sync
  • Knowledge Check #2
  • External Sync
  • External Sync
  • Knowledge Check #3
  • Next Steps & Resources
  • Next Steps & Resources